Magix Samplitude Pro X8 Suite Upgrade from Professional or Suite (Download)


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Product Code: 9999-13932
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Magix Samplitude Pro X8 Suite Upgrade from Professional or Suite (Download) is the upgrade path for those that own a previous version of Samplitude Pro X Standard or Suite, and want to get into Samplitude Pro X8 Suite.

Magix Samplitude Pro X8 Suite Upgrade from Professional or Suite (Download) offers recording and mixing engineers useful features that revolutionize classic DAW workflows. Edit while recording. Apply effects individually to individual clips. Visualize volume, frequency and phase for selected tracks. Take advantage of customizable interfaces and automations that will redefine efficiency in your own personal workflow! Samplitude Pro X8 Suite unites everything to achieve your perfect sound: You get SOUND FORGE Pro, the latest Steinberg SpectraLayers Pro, iZotope Ozone 9 Elements and iZotope RX Elements and even more great-sounding instruments. Edit even the smallest segments in large projects more efficiently. The object editor gives you control over your own plug-ins, sends and automations for each clip.

Magix Samplitude Pro X8 Suite Upgrade from Professional or Suite (Download) Features

  • Fast cutting, arranging and combining – redesigned comping
  • Correct timing quickly and efficiently – AudioWarp makes it possible
  • Finalize tracks with just one click – thanks to multi-codec export
  • Organize and keep track of your projects – with Marker Track
  • Easy orientation – with a clear, distinctive MIDI display
  • Support for Softube Console 1 & PreSonus Faderport
  • Integrate external hardware effects as plug-ins & Support for MIDI VST plug-ins
  • Preset search function in the plug-in browser & Realtime editing during playback
  • Simple and precise AUX level control as well as crossfade editing
  • dynamicEQ & High-quality resampling Engine
  • iZotope Ozone 10 Elements Celemony Melodyne 5.3 essential +
  • NEW: Steinberg SpectraLayers Pro 11
  • SOUND FORGE Pro 16, the full version of the legendary editor
  • iZotope RX 10 Elements for optimal restoration
  • colorFX & coreFX Suite with high-quality essential effects
  • Convology XT Complete +
  • 47 virtual instruments
  • 70 GB Independence Library

Magix Samplitude Pro X8 Suite Upgrade from Professional or Suite (Download) Specifications

  • OS: Windows 10 or higher (32 or 64 bit)
  • Processor: 2 GHz RAM: 2 GB (32-bit), 4 GB (64-bit)
  • Graphics card: Onboard, minimum resolution 1280 x 1024
  • Available drive space: 4 GB for program installation, 20 GB for Samplitude Pro X8
  • Sound card: Onboard
  • Program languages: English, Deutsch, Français, Español, Italiano

Magix Samplitude Pro X8 Suite Upgrade from Professional or Suite (Download) Includes

  • License for Samplitude Pro X8 Suite

1 Review

What We Think


I have used a ton of DAWs in my 20+ years in engineering, so I have seen (and heard) both the differences, and lack thereof on pretty much all the major and well known DAWs out there. While the major difference really comes down to work flow, the sound itself is a big part of it too. Much like back in the day, you would choose a reel to reel and tape formula that provided the sound and character you want, this is an important aspect to a DAW as well. Each DAW has its own audio engine, and its heart - the unique foundational algorithm. First and foremost, understand that Samplitude is a DAW for engineers. While the learning curve is not as heavy as some other DAWs, Samplitude must be approached from an engineer's mindset. Once you have that down though, it is very easy to navigate and get things done extremely fast. It is not a DAW that will stand in the way of creativity, or getting the job done. Kraznet and Tim (of Magix) have great videos on the web to get a better understanding of the work flow. To the meat of it now: Hands down, Samplitude is the best sounding DAW on the market. I do not say that with any shred of doubt, it simply sounds better than any other DAW, Period. Not only is it the best sounding DAW, but the stock plug-ins are beyond usable - they are equally as impressive in functionality and sound quality. I have been able to work an entire recording in Samplitude, with nothing but the stock effects, and it sounds amazing. Not once did I think about, or find a need to reach for a third party plug (during the recording and mixing session). While I am certain I could have mastered in Samplitude with the stock plug-ins, I have a UAD card, so cut me some slack - those are amazing, and I have my go-tos for mastering. Nonetheless, the functionality, professional features and mindset, and the shear sonic superiority, makes Samplitude the king of DAWs in my book. And you do not have to take my word for it, simply download the trial version and be floored. We will be here to help when you make the switch (the next day). I think it is time we all get serious about our audio engineering endeavors, take this step forward, and not look back.

Ryan Ferris, Pro Audio Sales

Got questions? Call me at 1-888-228-4530 I'm here to help!