The JoeCo BlackBox BBP1-A 24-Track Player is an innovative backing track player for live performance that supports playback of up to 24 digital audio stems at up to 24-bit, 96kHz resolution. This version is equipped with 24 channels of Lightpipe digital I/O, and designed for use with mixing consoles that support Lightpipe. Unbalanced analogue I/O functionality is also available for situations where Lightpipe is not suitable.
When you require mission-critical playback that absolutely cannot fail, you can rely on JoeCo’s Blackbox Multi-Channel Player. This multi-channel player – available in a variety of formats – provides a solution for live performance playback in a compact 1U rack-mounted package. Specifically designed to replay backing tracks or multiple surround stems for live shows and themed entertainment, it can replay up to 64 channels of high quality audio at up to 24bit/96kHz. The Blackbox Player can be triggered using timecode, a footswitch or QWERTY keyboard, or it can be controlled via MIDI commands, giving the live engineer, installation sound designer, musical director or artist full control of the show at all times.
Proven technology
Based on the proven technology of the award-winning BlackBox Recorder, the BlackBox Player provides an innovative solution to live performance playback in a compact 1U rack-mounted package. Audio files can be stored on a standard USB2 drive, or Flash RAM drive. Simple playlists automatically cue up the next song ready for instantaneous replay and multiple playlists can be stored ready for different shows or performances. Integrated safety features, including a built-in automated fail-over mechanism, ensure that the BlackBox Player can meet the all-important "show must go on" criteria. Multi-channel playback is important both for surround sound applications and because it allows the live engineer to compensate for the acoustics of the venue, or audience generated noise during the performance.
JoeCo BlackBox BBP1-A 24-Track Player Applications
- Solo artists and vocal groups using pre-recorded backing tracks
- Bands requiring additional backing tracks (strings, horns, etc.)
- Theatres, theme parks and cruise ships
- Permanent installations requiring reliable playback, such as museums, galleries and houses of worship
- Broadcast applications for timed multi-language or multi-station play-out
- Playback applications that require timecode synchronisation
JoeCo BlackBox BBP1-A 24-Track Player Features
- Synchronous multi-channel playback in up to 24bit / 96kHz quality. No computer required.
- Files for playback can be loaded from any Digital Audio Workstation capable of creating valid WAV/BWAV files, or recorded directly.
- Audio can be stored on USB2 hard drive or fast Flash drive.
- Simple naming convention ensures that the correct file is replayed through each output.
- Output options include unbalanced and balanced analogue, digital AES/EBU, Lightpipe, MADI and DANTE.
- Set lists configured as simple XML format playlist files.
- Remote control via QWERTY keyboard, footswitch, MIDI, SONY 9-pin and JoeCoRemote for iPad.
- Synchronous playback to SMPTE timecode (LTC and MTC).
- Multiple playlists can be stored for quick changes or alternative show formats.
- Separate foldback mixes can be configured via the console. An additional mix can be sent via the headphone output (e.g. for the musical director).
- Can be configured to accept an incoming source of digital clock.
- Built-in safety features including automated fail-over for Balanced Player pairs.
JoeCo BlackBox BBP1-A 24-Track Player Specifications
- Analogue Out (Switchable -10dBu/+4dBu): Unbalanced Wired for Inserts
- Headphones: Mono or Stereo Solo or Mixed Output from Internal Mixer
- Analogue In (Switchable -10dBu/+4dBu): Unbalanced Wired for Inserts
- Digital Out: Lightpipe
- Digital In: Lightpipe
- Sample Rates:
- 44.1 kHz: 24 Channels
- 48 kHz: 24 Channels
- 88.2 kHz: 12 Channels
- 96 kHz: 12 Channels
- Connections:
- Unbalanced Analogue: 3 x 25-Way D-Sub Adapted TASCAM Analogue Pin-Out. (Hot = In, Cold = Out (In on Tip, Out on Ring of TRS Jack) for Connection into Insert Points on Console)
- Balanced Analogue: 3 x 25-Way D-sub TASCAM Analogue Format Inputs; 3 x 25-Way D-Sub TASCAM Analogue Format Outputs
- AES/EBU: 3 x 25-Way D-Sub YAMAHA Digital Format (TASCAM Format to Special Order)
- Lightpipe: 3 x TOSLINK (Reduced Track Counts at Higher Sample Rates – SMUX2)
- MADI: MADI In & Out (SC Optical & BNC (Coax)), 1 x 8-Channel Balanced Analogue In (TASCAM Analogue Format). (Reduced Track Counts at Higher Sample Rates)
- DANTE: 1 x Dante RJ24 Gigabit Ethernet, 1 x 8-Channel Balanced Analogue In (TASCAM Analogue Format). (Reduced Track Counts at Higher Sample Rates)
- Storage Medium:
- External USB2 Storage Device:
- USB2 Drive
- Flash RAM Drive (Thumb Drive) 32GB Minimum, High Performance)
- SDHC Card via USB2 Converter (Class 10 Minimum)
- External USB2 Storage Device:
- Audio File Format: Broadcast WAV Files (Accepts Mono, Stereo and Polywav Files)
- Audio File Naming Convention:
- sss-tt.songname-trackname.wav Where:
- sss is the Song Number (001-999) [Determines Which Tracks Play Together as a Song]
- -tt. is the Track Number (01-24) [Determines Which Output Each Track is Replayed Through]
- songname is the (Optional) Song Name [Free Text Up to 32 Characters]
- - trackname is the (Optional) Track Name [Free Text Up to 24 Characters]
- .wav is the File Extension [Mandatory]
- sss-tt.songname-trackname.wav Where:
- Playlist Format: Simple XML File Structure for Easy Playlist Editing
- Pre-Load Time: Typically < 3 Seconds
- Control:
- Instant Replay Controlled By:
- Time Code (LTC or MTC)
- Footswitch (GPI)
- QWERTY Keyboard
- MIDI Control
- Real-Time Clock
- JoeCoRemote for iPad
- Automatic Pre-Load of Next Song in Playlist
- Instant Replay Controlled By:
- MIDI Controls:
- MIDI Open Loop Connection
- MIDI Start, Stop Commands
- MIDI Song Select: for Preloading Specific Songs
- MIDI Program Change
- MIDI Show Control
- Audio Clocks:
- Selectable Between:
- Internal
- AES/EBU or SPDIF Clock
- Dante In
- Word Clock
- Selectable Between:
- Timecode / GPI: 1/4" TRS Jack – Tip = Unbal TC, Ring = GPI, Sleeve = GND. All Standard Frame Rates Supported
- Auto Fail-Over: Analogue Fail-Over Automatically Switches to Synchronous Secondary System in Case of Replay Problem (Balanced Player Pairs). Uses 1 Channel of Playback.
- Physical Size: 19” Rack Mounting x 1U (435mm x 44mm x 170mm)
- Weight: < 2.5 kg
- DC Input: 9-12 VDC
- Power: < 25 Watt
JoeCo BlackBox BBP1-A 24-Track Player Includes
- JoeCo BlackBox BBP1-A 24-Track Player (ADAT Optical)
- PSU Power Supply
- User Manual
- Quick Start Guide
- Manufacturer Warranty
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