The Heritage Audio Tubesessor Optical Tube Compressor is designed to provide the sweetest and warmest most natural dynamic control possible, yet also give you the creative ability to push character when wanted.
Always excited to see just how they can improve on and expand the functions of a classic, Heritage Audio has decided to produce an optical tube compressor. It is well know that tube compression, especially that based on an optical design, is generally considered to be warmer than VCA and FET designs, and it tends to provide a very pleasant, more natural, smoother result. This has made it the preferred choice for seasoned engineers and producers that want to provide a very transparent control over a signal while offering a hint of enhancement but keeping true to the original tone. For this very reason optical tube compressors are usually the first thing one reaches for when dealing with critical vocals and bass signals. The Tubesessor is the perfect option for this!
Analog excellence is achieved by combining an all tube-based amplification stage with an outstanding UTC A10 input transformer replica by AMI, as well as a custom all-silicon steel output transformer. With an elevated internal operating voltage you can be sure the Tubesessor will heat up any signal while also maintaining its character and vibe. No starved plate circuits here! Never has dynamics control been so easily obtainable while at the same time so invisible. Even with generous amounts of gain reduction being applied anything processed with the Tubesessor still maintains its clarity and depth.
Thanks to the Tubesessor's three unit high front panel you´ll find plenty of room to adjust the large Herchild-style knobs making it a breeze to achieve the desired sound. No cramped spaces here, just plenty of space to easily and quickly adjust the settings to taste. The only bad thing about this is that you´ll dread returning to a confined one space unit much less a tiny 500 series module. In this case, size does matter…
Heritage Audio Tubesessor Optical Tube Compressor Features
- Optical Compression Detection
- All Tube-Based Amplification Stage
- Fully Transformer Balanced Input & Output
- Tube Saturation Section
- Large Friendly Interface
- Extensive Attack & Release Control
- 5 Built-In Sidechain Filtering Options
- Huge Informative VU Meter
- Built Like A Tank
Heritage Audio Tubesessor Optical Tube Compressor Includes
- Tubesessor Optical Tube Compressor
- IEC Power Cable
- Manufacturer Warranty
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