The Hendyamps Pollock Tube Compressor is a true dial-in your own character compressor. Offering different styles, color, modes, and a wet/dry blend, the Pollock is probably the most tonally flexible and versatile compressor on the market. Perfect for tracking, mixing, buss, and total mix, there really isn't anything the Pollock can't handle in the studio.
The Hendyamps Pollock Tube Compressor is an stereo optical compressor that might be better described as 18 compressors in one. It’s signal chain is all tube (12ax7’s), has Jensen transformers in and out, has stereo controls, a large VU meter, and is unlike any optical compressor you have ever used! Pollock has the ability to operate in a number of different modes, with compression, side chain, and box tone all able to be manipulated. Pollock also has true bypass switches (no buffered bypass or any relays or transformers to color the bypassed signal), Left and Right Calibration controls, and makeup gain.
The AGGRESSION switch will change Pollock’s compression characteristics from quick and bold to subtle and incredibly smooth. Aggressive mode is best thought of as a more traditional opto sound, though a bit quicker in response than typical, and Smooth mode is really nothing like normal opto compressors. The STYLE control is a three position switch that alters Pollock’s box tone. The combinations, along with the interactivity from the other controls, allow for everything from a neutral box tone, to a light boost in the highs, to even a light boost in the highs and lows. The COLOR control is also a three position switch that determines how the compression is applied to the signal.
As with all Hendyamp gear, the Pollock is built to order, and offers two versions (which you can choose in the drop-down menu on this page). The "Standard" version includes fully variable pots, and the "Stepped" version of course has stepped controls for easy recall and precision.
Hendyamps Pollock Tube Compressor Features
- XLR In and Out
- Ganged controls
- Three Position Style Switch
- Three Position Color Switch
- Aggressive/Smooth Switch
- Compression Control
- Gain Makeup Control
- Stepped Option
- Large VU Meter
- Optical Compression
- 18 Different potential combinations of operating modes
- True Bypass Switches
- Left and Right Calibration Controls
- Oversized power supply
- Rugged, etched metal faceplate
Hendyamps Pollock Tube Compressor Includes
- Pollock Tube Compressor
- IEC Power Cable
- Paperwork and Warranty Information
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