The Empirical Labs Fatso EL7X Tape Simulator is an original and loved tape simulator that allows you to shape your busses and total mixes with the tone, warmth, and punch of tape, with harmonic distortion saturation and FET like compression that only the Fatso can provide.
For the Empirical Labs Fatso EL7X Tape Simulator - ELEVEN is a new compressor for the Fatso, replacing the old GP Ratio, and emulates the famous UREI 1176LN in 20:1, with the slowest attack, and fastest release. This 1176 setting has been used on countless hit records through the decades. With the slower “1176” attack, the transients keep the dynamics present, while the high ratio, can radically limit the dynamic range of any source, making it present and sitting in a nice little place in your mix. One can slam it, or just touch it with a few dB of compression. You will find it great on Vocals, Bass, acoustic guitars, drum room mikes, pianos etc.
The Empirical Labs Fatso EL7X Tape Simulator has greatly improved interface operation. Holding any button in for a second will make the control step backwards, so the user doesn’t have to cycle around to go back one step in setting one parameter. In addition, the Stereo Link is improved and offers a second link method by holding in both COMP buttons. It locks the compressors and Bypass logic together, and allows either channels’ buttons to control the settings. Much more foolproof.
Empirical Labs Fatso EL7X Tape Simulator Features
- A new ratio “Eleven”, which emulates a favorite classic compressor setting.
- New Two Color Front Panel
- Improved Logic
- Separate TRACKING LED, more intuitive display.
- Backwards stepping when a front panel button is held.
- New extended stereo link functions. More choices of how to lock compressors.
- Cooler running Logic Circuitry, resulting in overall cooler operating temperature.
- Improved overall noise floor, due to lower logic power consumption.
- Harmonic Generation and Soft Clipper (Distortion Generation) - this class A circuit gently rounds the peaks like saturated tubes or tape.
- High Frequency Saturation (Warmth) - a one-of-a-kind dynamic low pass filter which softens high frequencies when they “pile up” on a source.
- Transformer & Tape Head Emulation - a simulation of the effect of input and output transformers of older devices, which adds the low frequency harmonics that characterize them, as well as analog tape..
- Classic Knee Compression - your typical automatic leveling device found on just about every instrument and vocal track as well as on the overall buss, done Empirical Labs compression – smooth and sweet, but in your face!
Empirical Labs Fatso EL7X Tape Simulator Specifications
- Freq. Response is 2 Hz to 60 kHz in clean audio mode (+0, -3 dB).
- Dynamic Range 110 dB from maximum output (20%THDsoft clipping) to minimum output. Greater than 100 dB signal to noise.
- Distortion Ranges between .06% and 20% depending on mode and settings.
- DC coupled Input and Outputs
- High quality audio caps used internally. Compressor Time Constants - Attack range 1mS - 60mS. Release range .05 sec to 3.5 seconds. Attack and Releases are fixed by the compression type selected.
Empirical Labs Fatso EL7X Tape Simulator Includes
- Fatso EL7X Tape Simulator
- Power Cable
- Manual
- 2 Year Warranty
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