The Crimson Audio Blue SM57/SM58 Modification is a Front End Audio exclusive, custom tuned transformerless modification handle for your Shure SM57 or SM58. Simple to install, the Blue modification handle is a evolution of the popular White handle but with a tweaked circuit that tailors the character to improve performance in vocal applications.
The Crimson Audio Blue SM57/SM58 Modification handle really changes and elevates the standard SM57 and SM58. We all know, own, and love the Shure SM57 and Shure SM58. Whether at home or professional studios, the SM57 and SM58 have been go to mics for guitar cabs, snare drums, vocals, and more. However, we sometimes want a little more richness, depth, or air from these mics. Sometimes we want a little less, like a little less mid honk. Introducing Crimson Audio! Crimson Audio, along with the help of Front End Audio, has designed a series of fantastic transformers, pre loaded in replacement handles, ready to evolve your SM57 and SM58!
How does the Blue handle sound?
The Crimson Audio Blue SM57/SM58 Modification handle builds upon the transformerless Shure SM57 modification, expanding on what the White Modification handle started. The Blue Modification handle, like the White, eliminated the hassle and mess of removing the transformer from an SM57 or SM58, and the built-in Mogaine Circuit (which requires phantom power) gives you back the 10'ish dB of output gain you lose when removing the transformer - so you can still gain stage like you normally would. The Blue Modification handle takes the transformerless mod a bit further, with a tweaked circuit that tailors the character to improve performance in vocal applications. This cool design provides more cut when used with an SM58 cartridge, and more silky smoothness when used with an SM57 cartridge.
Like the White, the Blue solves the problem of loss in output you get from the transformerless mod. Again achieved by providing a scaled down version of their awesome Mogaine pre-preamp device, built into the handle. So you get all the good from the mod (now tweaked for vocals), and none of the bad! This unique mod is not only affordable, but easy to do yourself. It only takes a couple mins, and some very basic soldering skills. Want more!? Don't forget about the other modifications handles that we offer. Check out the Yellow.SM, Orange.SM and White.SM mods, brought to you from Crimson Audio and Front End Audio!
Crimson Audio Blue SM57/SM58 Modification Options
Front End Audio has made it easy to build the modification handle of your choice. However if you have any question please reach out to us and we will be happy to assit you in deciding what options best fit your needs.
- Select Your Cartridge: Add either an SM57 or SM58 cartridge (with our without grill) to your handle. Many times we find customers will have a extra SM57 or SM58 laying around their studio that they dont mind using for this modification. If this your situation, then there is no need to add a cartidge. Howerver, if you dont want to canabilize one of your existing microphones then this is your solution.
- Add a Granelli Audio Labs Handle: The Granelli Handle option is a 90 degree elbow that works seamlessly with the Crimson modification. It gives your mic a 90 degree angle to help improve your mic-placement options on drums, guitar amps and bass cabinets. This is a super cool addition which adds versatility to your microphone.
- Modification: This unique modification is not only affordable, but easy to do yourself. It only takes a couple minutes with some very basic soldering skills. However, if you want to skip the extra work or don't have the tools, then we are happy to do the modification for you. When Front End Audio does the modification we will QC all parts, assemble the microphone, QC the finished microphone, secure it in its own zippered mic bag*, and get it on the way to you typically within 1-2 business days - so you are ready to go right out of the box!
*Zipper mic bag is included for free only when Front End Audio does the modification.
Crimson Audio Blue SM57/SM58 Modification Features
- Made it the USA
- Transformerless active-circuit modification tailored for vocal applications
- Requires +48 Volt Phantom Power (99.9999% of mixers and mic preamps have it).
- Built-in (scaled down) Mogaine Circuit eliminates the loss of gain
- Requires basic soldering skills to install
- Coded XLR connector for easy identification (Same as the SM57/SM58)
- Laser etched Crimson logo on handle
- NOW Compatible with the Shure 545SD
Crimson Audio Blue SM57/SM58 Modification Includes
- Crimson Audio Blue Handle
- Selected Options
- Instalation Guide
- Manufacturer Warranty
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