The Crane Song IBIS is a discrete Class A Stereo Equalizer that boldly takes equalization to a new level of musicality. It features a truly unique and adjustable color function that can be applied to either the entire audio path or to any individual frequency band.
The Crane Song IBIS Stereo Equalizer offers 4 bands each having switch-selectable frequencies centered on and covering musical-step intervals from 32-Hz "C" to 22.35-kHz "F." Its four overlapping bands are labeled with note names and frequency allowing for the first time a "translation" between musician-speak and engineer-jargon. The bandwidth control has similar notation with adjustment from 0.2 octave to 4 octaves per band and a boost / cut range of 12 dB. The low-cut filter is switch selectable from 20-Hz to 150-Hz with slopes of either 12-dB or 24-dB per octave. Like most Crane Song products, IBIS utilizes discrete class-A circuitry and presents a distinct appearance.
The Crane Song IBIS Stereo Equalizer can do something very different from other equalizers. First, each band has 24 frequencies. 12 switch positions and a "+ one step button" this button moves the frequencies up one whole musical step. The high and low bands also can be shelving by pushing the shelving button. The frequency chart shows how each of the bands over lap and how frequencies and musical notes relate. As an example, with the +1 step button pushed in, the frequency moves up two positions on the chart. 32.7 Hz which is the lowest frequency will become 36.7 Hz.
There is a dead zone of about plus and minus .3 db on the "boost / cut" controls where the EQ is flat in response. This allows an easy way to set your bands flat. The range is plus or minus 12 db and is not stepped. The Mastering Version (Crane Song IBIS Stereo Mastering Equalizer) has a range of 6 db in .5 db steps with a 1 db step between 5 and 6.
The Bandwidth is not stepped on the standard version and is stepped on the Mastering Version. the range is from 0.2 Oct to 4 Oct this is at 12 db of boost. The low cut is 12 db per octave, but the steep button increases the slope to 24 db per octave. The filters are of a special type that provide a very clean and smooth sound. To add flexibility to the equalizer a color knob is included.
The color knob is an additive second / third harmonic distortion type of process, it can be applied to the full program or any one of the 4 bands. When doing a "cut" it will subtract the harmonic content. The Color Knob is not stepped on the standard version and is stepped on the Mastering Version. The use of the color function will allow you to change the equalizer from a very transparent sound to a colored sound. Using it on the low frequencies, band 1, it will add warmth. On band 3 it will add presence and some nice upper mid-range detail. On the high frequency band it will add air.
Crane Song IBIS Stereo Equalizer Features
- A discrete Class A analog stereo equalizer that boldly takes equalization to a new level of musicality
- Features a truly unique and adjustable color function that can be applied to either the entire audio path or to any individual frequency band
- Offers 4-bands each having switch-selectable frequencies centered on and covering musical-step intervals from 32-Hz "C" to 22.35-kHz "F"
- Four overlapping bands are labeled with note names and frequency allowing for the first time a "translation" between musician-speak and engineer-jargon
- Bandwidth control has similar notation with adjustment from 0.2 octave to 4 octaves per band and a boost / cut range of 12 dB
- Low-cut filter is switch selectable from 20-Hz to 150-Hz with slopes of either 12-dB or 24-dB per octave
Crane Song IBIS Stereo Equalizer Specifications
- Input:
- Type: Floating, Balanced
- Maximum Input Level: +25 dBm
- Input Connectors: XLR
- Output:
- Type: Floating, Balanced
- Maximum Output Level: +25 dBm
- Output Connectors: XLR
- Input & Output Connections: Pin 2 is Sig + , Pin 3 is Sig- , Pin 1 is GND
- Power Requirements:
- Volts: 100, 120, 230,240 volt; 50/60 Hz; 55 Watts
- Fuse Types: MDL .6A Fuse for 100V & 120V, MDL .3A Fuse for 230V & 240V
- Noise Measurement: EQ Set Flat & Bandwidth Controls at Max -85dBm
- Clipping: +25 dBm
- Distortion: EQ Set Flat at +20 dBm; 0.001%
- Pilot Lamp: # 327
- Shipping Weight: 19 lbs. (8.6 kg)
- Depth Behind Panel: 12.5 Inches (31.75 cm) Plus Cabling
- Panel Height: 2 Rack Spaces
- Frequencies: 24 Per Band 96 Total w/ Bands Overlapping, & Stepped
- Boost-Cut: Plus or Minus 12 dB on Each Band
- Bandwidth: (In Octaves; at Full Boost) Maximum 4 Octaves & Minimum 0.2 Octaves
Crane Song IBIS Stereo Equalizer Includes
- Crane Song IBIS Stereo Equalizer
1 Review Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Amazing EQ!
Nov 22nd 2015The Crane Song IBIS is an amazing EQ with a bit of a creative twist. It features 4 overlapping bands with a high pass filter per channel. Each of the 4 bands also features an octave switch which doubles the frequency point of the EQ curve. The really fun bit is the colour control. You can select either a single band within each channel's EQ, or the whole channel and apply harmonic saturation to it using the colour control. You can give vocals a little more growl, or add some grit to the snap of a snare, or subtly drive parts of the whole mix with some 2-bus EQing. Great piece of gear!
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