Sunset Sound is a studio with a name synonymous with the legends of rock and roll and their albums that we love so much. But what Sunset sound is also synonymous with is a passion for developing their own recording consoles and equipment distribution for lines such as Smart Research. In celebration of their 50th Anniversary a few years ago, Paul Camarata decided to release the Sunset Sound S1P “Tutti” 500-Series Preamp – which also honors his father, Sunset Sound founder, Tutti Camerata.
After having tested many, many, many different preamplifiers of varying budgets and design characteristics, the Sunset Sound S1P “Tutti” is one of our very favorites. Why? Well, all of the hallmarks one looks for in a truly great sounding preamp are packed into this module. There’s a lot to love about Sunset Sound – and the Sunset Sound S1P “Tutti” 500-Series preamp is certainly one of them. Front End Audio is proud to offer this inspiring sliver of historical circuitry.
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