Vintech X73 vs. X73i - What's the difference?
By Front End Audio on Nov 11th 2021

Though both the Vintech X73 and Vintech X73i designs are the same and are assembled in the USA, the X73i is built with less labor intensive parts and is the more affordable option. However, there are some unique differences that may give the X73i the edge over it’s big brother. Here are a few key differences we’ve discovered.
- First, the X73 uses 3 transformers and the X73i has 2. The X73i utilizes one of it’s transformers twice. Essentially, one of the transformers in the X73i is doing double duty.
- Second, the EQ points. On the X73, you have selectable frequencies for the high shelf EQ. Select between 10k, 12k, 14k and 16k. The high band on the X73i is fixed. For the mid band, the X73 allows you to select frequencies between 360hz – 10k. The X73i has 270hz – 7.2k. For the high pass filter, the X73 allows you to roll off up to 220hz where as the X73i allows you to go even higher up to 360hz!
- Third, the output level. On the X73, there’s a very useful output level meter on the front of the unit. The X73i does not have this feature.
- Fourth, selectable impedance. The X73i allows you to select the impedance (either 300 and 1.2k ohm). This is a cool feature because you’re able to get creative with your microphone! All microphones have their own unique frequency curves and distortion levels that depending on the input impedance on the preamp. The X73 does not have this feature.
- Last but not least, the switches. The X73i utilizes Greyhill switches found in a lot of today’s high end gear. The X73 utilizes Swiss-made Elma switches. These are hand soldered point to point.
The differences are slight. And though the cost is lower, you may find the X73 to be the more versatile unit given the impedance switch and the extra EQ options in the mid band. However, the X73’s extra transformer, the output meter, selectable high shelf frequencies may be worth the extra money to you. Please note, both units require the Vintech X73 PSU for power. If you have any additional questions, give us a call!