Universal Audio Apollo Dream Studio Promotion at Front End Audio!
By Front End Audio on Nov 9th 2017

Purchase any award-winning Universal Audio Apollo Rackmount Audio Interface from Front End Audio and you will be eligible for up to $3,500 of premium UAD plug-ins from Studer, Lexicon, AKG, Pultec, Fairchild, Teletronix, and more! UAD plug-ins faithfully capture the sound and behavior of classic analog equipment from Neve, Studer, Ampex, API, Fender, and more. Powered by UAD-2 DSP Accelerator hardware for Mac and PC, you get classic studio sound that would be impossible to achieve with native recording systems.
Simply make your purchase at Front End Audio and you will have access to your new plug-ins when you register your new Apollo. If you already own one of the free plug-ins, you will be able to pick from a group of alternate plug-ins on the UA website.
Buy an Apollo 8 DUO or Apollo FireWire and Get:
1176 Classic Limiter Plug-In Collection
Studer® A800 Multichannel Tape Recorder Plug-In
UA 610 Tube Preamp & EQ Plug-In Collection
Teletronix® LA-2A Classic Leveler Collection
More than a $1,200 value!
Buy an Apollo 8 QUAD, Apollo 8p, or Apollo 16 Interface and Get:
1176 Classic Limiter Plug-In Collection
Studer® A800 Multichannel Tape Recorder Plug-In
UA 610 Tube Preamp & EQ Plug-In Collection
Lexicon® 224 Digital Reverb Plug-In
Teletronix® LA-2A Classic Leveler Collection
Pultec Passive EQ Plug-In Collection
Galaxy Tape Echo
More than a $2,000 value!
Buy any Two Apollo Rack Interfaces and Get:
1176 Classic Limiter Plug-In Collection
Studer® A800 Multichannel Tape Recorder Plug-In
UA 610 Tube Preamp & EQ Plug-In Collection
Lexicon® 224 Digital Reverb Plug-In
Teletronix® LA-2A Classic Leveler Collection
Pultec Passive EQ Plug-In Collection
Galaxy Tape Echo
Fairchild Tube Limiter Plug-In Collection
Oxide Tape Recorder Plug-In
EP-34 Tape Echo Plug-In
Precision Buss Compressor Plug-In
AKG BX 20 Spring Reverb
Cooper® Time Cube Mk II Delay Plug-In
Precision Multiband Plug-In
More than a $3,500 value!