The Vanguard Audio Labs V13 gen2 Tube Microphone
By Front End Audio on Oct 31st 2022

This month at Front End Audio, we're shining a light on Vanguard Audio Labs flagship microphone, the Vanguard Audio Labs V13 gen2 Tube Microphone! The V13 gen2 is quite honestly, one of the best sounding tube microphones we’ve had the pleasure of using in our office studio and for the price, it’s a no brainer!

Vanguard Audio Labs V13 gen2 Tube Microphone Out Of The Box
Take a quick look at this microphone, the features and what you can expect when you open up the box!
Vanguard Audio Labs V13 gen2 Tube Microphone Gear360
Check out the Vanguard Audio Labs V13 gen2 Tube Microphone on Front End Audio's Gear360.

The Vanguard V13 Gen2 sounds about as gorgeous as it looks. It's a large-diaphragm multi-pattern tube microphone with a very smooth and modern sound. It's detailed but with the character and warmth of older vintage microphones. This unique character of the V13 makes it a great mic for all vocal applications, as well as for use with stringed acoustic instruments. The balance of body and shimmer, offers a recording that will make these sound sources soar. The V13 gen2 is Vanguard's flagship microphone and when you hear it in action, it's obvious why.