The New Universal Audio Apollo X Interfaces
By Front End Audio on Sep 6th 2018

The Universal Audio Apollo interfaces have made a big impact on the pro audio industry. Not only are they high quality interfaces, but they were the first to support Thunderbolt, as well as bring us real-time DSP plug-in processing – with their acclaimed UAD platform.
Now continuing the evolution of the Apollo line of interfaces, Universal Audio announces and releases the new Apollo X series. The Apollo X series interfaces include everything we have come to know and love about the Apollo line, with the additions of Thunderbolt 3 connectivity (with two host ports), that is compatible with both Windows and Mac, as well as increased DSP processing with six core SHARC chips, and alt monitor outs.
The new Apollo X lines includes the following models:
Universal Audio Apollo x8, the classic 18 x 24 interface, with 4 Unison pres, 2 Hi-Z inputs, 8 line ins, 8 line outs, ADAT, S/PDIF, dedicated monitor, alt monitor, and headphone outs, now with Thunderbolt 3 (MAC and Win), 6 core SHARC DSP, and includes 16 UAD plug-ins. The Apollo x8 is now shipping!
Universal Audio Apollo x8p, the classic 18 x 22 interface, with 8 Unison pres, 2 Hi-Z inputs, 8 line ins (via combo jacks), 8 line outs, ADAT, S/PDIF, dedicated monitor, alt monitor, and headphone outs, now with Thunderbolt 3 (MAC and Win), 6 core SHARC DSP, and includes 16 UAD plug-ins. The Apollo x8p is now shipping!
Universal Audio Apollo x16, the classic 18 x 20 interface, with 16 analog inputs and outputs over DB25, 2 digital AES/EBU inputs and outputs, dedicated monitor outs and alt monitor outs, now with Thunderbolt 3 (MAC and Win), 6 core SHARC DSP, and includes 16 UAD plug-ins. The Apollo x16 is scheduled to start shipping on September 17, 2018.
And the all new addition of the Universal Audio Apollo x6, a new 16 x 22 interface, with 2 Unison mic pres, 2 Hi-Z inputs, ADAT and S/PDIF, dedicated monitor outs and alt monitor, and headphone outs, now with Thunderbolt 3 (MAC and Win), 6 core SHARC DSP, and includes 16 UAD plug-ins. The Apollo x6 is scheduled to start shipping on September 28, 2018.