Stager Microphones now at Front End Audio
By Front End Audio on Aug 16th 2016

Front End Audio is happy to announce the addition of Stager Microphones to our line card. Stager Microphones ribbon microphones are hand built in Nashville "Music City", USA and they currently offer 2 ribbon microphone models.
The first, The Stager SR-1A Ribbon Microphone which is designed for just two purposes: to sound stunning and also to outlive us all. Something's gotta outlive us all, right?
The second, The Stager SR-2N Ribbon Microphone which crams an inordinate amount of size into the sound of your tracks. Just leave the thing on a stand and point it at anything that makes sound, then stretch out a big ol' smile when you listen to playback.
Just check them out... you will appreciate these microphones!