Stager Microphones are all about sounding great, and lasting a lifetime
By Front End Audio on Jul 20th 2017

Stager Microphones is a young up and coming company, based out of Nashville, TN. At just over a year old, the company has brought two offerings from the ribbon mic world, to the audio industry. Stager mics hearken back the days of the classic RCA ribbon mics, in looks and application.
One glance at the Stager SR-1A Ribbon Microphone, and it is undeniable the vintage inspiration. With a sound as big as it's looks, the SR-1A is sure to impress. The big mid presence, deep low end, and detailed yet smooth top, provide a large dimensional space - that is warm and full. The Stager SR-1A Ribbon Microphone is the perfect mic for distant miking any sound source, without losing body. Or up close for some power. Hearing is believing, and the performance of this mic illustrates what it can do. Check it out.
Not to be out done, the SR-1A's little bother is happy to show it's might as well. The Stager SR-2N Ribbon Microphone provides a full warm sound, with buttery smooth details, and a soft airy top end. The deep low end, and forward mids, bring a character that holds weight in a mix. The Stager SR-2N Ribbon Microphone's strong ball joint mount allows for easy positioning of the mic to the sound source, ensuring you get the image you want, without concerns for stability. The SR-2N (I have found) is a quintessential warm fat classic sounding ribbon, that is perfect for guitar cabs and drum overheads. Speaking of which, check it out on drums:
Based on my experience, it seems that Stager isn't trying to reinvent the wheel. They are just making quality, classic ribbon mics, with a cool vintage look, at a reasonable price. As Stager says themselves: “Their mics are designed for just two purposes: to sound stunning and also to outlive us all.” Sounding great, and longevity sounds like a solid philosophy to me.