Recording Guitars with the Royer R-122V Tube Ribbon Microphone
By Front End Audio on Jun 20th 2018

We have all heard about, and/or used, the Royer R-121 Ribbon Microphone for recording guitars. It has earned it's spot in history as "the quintessential rock guitar microphone". But, we should not discount Royer's many other offerings in the realm of Ribbon Mics. One such being the Royer R-122V, a Tube Ribbon Mic, that "is the pinnacle of Royer's R-Series line, a world class tube ribbon microphone exhibiting unparalleled richness, depth and detail, particularly in the midrange frequencies - with a lushness that has to be heard to be truly appreciated."
Check out this great video from Tim Pierce (who has a 35 year career as a studio sessions guitarist), demonstrating the Royer R-122V on recording amazing guitar tracks!