Introducing the BRAND NEW Drawmer 1972 Dual Preamp at Front End Audio
By Front End Audio on Aug 31st 2022

Drawmer has just announced the brand new Drawmer 1972 Dual Preamp! The 1972 is loaded with an impressively flexible feature set and features THAT Corporation technology to provide ultra clean and transparent recordings. Front End Audio was lucky enough to receive a unit for review ahead of the launch, and we must say that we are very impressed by what the Drawmer 1972 has to offer. This will be an invaluable tool for home and commercial studios alike. Be sure to read our in-depth opinion of the 1972 in our “What We Think” write up, as well as check out our “Out of the Box” Overview video for a closeup look! Further, experience the Drawmer 1972 in action with our two demonstration videos! If you want that punchy musical vibe of the 70’s decade, backed by a name and reputation you can trust, the Drawmer 1972 is a preamp you need!

Drawmer 1972 Stereo Mix Demo
Ryan Ferris demonstrates the processing features of the 1972 on a full stereo mix at Front End Audio.
Drawmer 1972 Drums & Bass Demo
Ryan and Wes try out the 1972 on a full drum mix, drum overheads and bass guitar here at Front End Audio.
Drawmer 1972 Out of the Box
Ryan Ferris lets us know what’s in the box and gives us a tour of the features.

The Drawmer 1972 is a very cool piece of gear ideal for the modern hybrid studio. Not only does it offer two highly musical preamps, but also a pair of punchy instrument DIs and stereo line level processing. Add in high and low pass filtering, dynamic Lift processing, and single button dual tilt EQ and the 1972 becomes a seriously versatile multi-functional tool. Sonically, it’s smooth and musical. Even with the top end boost tilt EQ, the added clarity is pleasant without a hint of harshness. Not only can you capture pristine mono, dual mono or stereo recordings while tracking, you can also process pre-recorded sources as well. Try throwing this on the mix bus right after your summing mixer, or elevate a drum mix by adding it in the parallel processing chain. The 1972 will be a flexible and indispensable tool in the studio. Drawmer has done it again!
Ryan Ferris - Pro Audio Sales Manager