Immersive Audio Support for Universal Audio's Apollo x16
By Front End Audio on Mar 21st 2023

With Universal Audio's new UAD software update, the Universal Audio Apollo X16 Audio Interface will now support immersive audio monitoring for systems up to 9.1.6 including Dolby Atmos, Auro-3D, Sony 360 Reality Audio and more! This update includes all-new Monitor, Metering, and Calibration windows in the Console application. This gives customer an intuitive and affordable surround sound monitoring option with the Universal Audio Apollo X16 Audio Interface!
FAQ About This Update:
What is the most important
benefit of this update for Apollo x16 customers?
Customers looking to expand into immersive
audio mixing now have a cost-effective monitoring solution with
Apollo x16.
How is Apollo x16 different
from other products that support Atmos and Immersive Monitor Modes?
Since you can easily “chain” Thunderbolt
Apollo interfaces together, customers can pair an Apollo x16 along with a Twin
or x4 to have desktop control of monitor levels, while simultaneously feeding
binaural mixdowns to headphones.
Why are you only offering Atmos
support for Apollo x16?
Apollo x16 provides enough analog outputs
to support 9.1.6 monitoring.
Why can’t I use Atmos surround
modes on my Apollo x8?
Apollo x8 does not have enough analog
outputs to support most of the Atmos surround modes. Even if you used optical
digital outputs along with the analog outputs, the outputs would not be
reliably time or phase aligned.
What does this mean for current
Apollo owners?
This is a free update for all Apollo
owners. While Atmos Monitoring Modes will only be available to Apollo x16
owners, the new Output Meter Window will be available for all Apollos.
This new update is available now and again, it's free to existing Apollo X16 users! If you have any questions about the Universal Audio Apollo X16 Audio Interface or any of Universal Audio's other products, give us a call! We're here to help!