Expanding on the use of Guitar Pedals
By Front End Audio on May 25th 2017

Continuing on with our guitar pedal theme, we previously discussed how stomp boxes can add a new dimension to a synth (hardware or software). Heck, we can say the same thing about stomp boxes (hardware and software versions). Try putting Waves GTR, or one of Softube's Amp Room on a synth. This is all about expanding sonic options. While you can most definitely use a Boss stomp box, Rat, or SansAmp, there are no rules. So, go ahead an play around with some amp and pedal emulators!
But here, I want to expand that previous idea to another instrument. What instrument? The bass guitar! Why not? I own a Sunn Model-T half stack. Originally the Sunn Model-T was designed for bass guitar. Many guitarist actually use bass amps instead of guitar amps. Danzig used Kustom Tuck N' Roll bass amps for some the guitars on Deth Red Sabaoth. His old Misfits band mate Doyle Wolfgang Von Frankenstein uses Ampeg SVT Classic tube bass heads for his sound. Maybe this lends itself better for specific genres – won't say it will work for everyone. But hey! That's the point. Experiment, and develop your own sound and approach.
What am I getting at? Well, many people like to use a little overdrive on their bass, or at least push their bass amps to have some bite on heavier playing. I for one (and I'm not alone), don't mic bass amps (often). Better than 90% of the time, I DI bass (with the likes of the Tech21 Bass Driver DI, Small DI, or RNDI). I just find that a DI'ed bass track gives me more to work with (keep in mind I pretty much only work in prog, metal, punk, and fusion). I might mic a bass amp for punk, maybe some slower metal, but DI the majority of my bass tracks. That being said, having a little overdrive (or outright distortion), can be a cool thing for a bass (not like it's a new idea - anyone ever heard any Napalm Death?). And that is where my favorite tool for such an application comes in. You guessed it, a guitar pedal. If I can use a guitar pedal on synths, why not a bass, or even a vocal!? I don't care what a company marketed a piece of gear for; if I can use it somewhere, I'm going to. Plain and simple. Maybe because I am a guitarist, I prefer the sound of a good guitar stomp box over a “for bass” marketed box (of course there are always exceptions). Extreme music calls for extreme approaches. So feel free (whether miking a bass amp, or tracking via a DI) to plug up a FAT RAT, Boss OD-3, TC Electronic Dark Matter, Radial London, or insert your favorite emulation plug-in to give your bass tracks a new texture and dimension.