The Radial JDI Passive Direct Box ensures the natural tone and harmonic balance is retained, bringing out the very essence of the instrument. Employing a Jensen audio transformer as the engine and being the world's finest direct box, the JDI delivers smooth, musical tones to the preamp.
The Radial JDI is a passive direct box designed to handle extreme signal levels without distortion of any kind. Unlike an active DI that is limited by the buffering amplifier's rail voltage, the Radial JDI employs a Jensen audio transformer as the engine. Jensen transformers are legendary in their ability to gracefully handle transients while delivering a smooth, warm sounding Bessel curve, reminiscent of the finest vintage gear. Ruler flat from 10Hz to 40kHz and with virtually zero phase deviation, the Radial JDI delivers the natural, pure sound of the instrument without artifact.
The 100% passive circuitry inside the Radial JDI is incredibly efficient. The transformer performs both high-to-low impedance conversion and signal balancing at the same time with minimal loading and does so without any power whatsoever. The transformer also introduces a magnetic bridge that passes signal while rejecting stray DC voltage. This makes the Radial JDI particularly adept at eliminating hum and buzz caused by ground loops.
Features include input and throughput ¼ connectors, -15dB input pad, ground lift, and 180º degree polarity reverse to help phase align the instrument with the PA. A secondary circuit is added for direct interfacing with high output devices such as guitar or bass amp loudspeakers plus a unique merge function allows stereo sources such as keyboards to be summed mono, saving valuable input channels.
Built tough to handle the abuse of live touring, the Radial JDI features a 14-gauge steel I-beam inner frame and a unique book-end outer shell. The innovative design eliminates stress on the PCB, reducing opportunity for solder joints to go cold' while the outer shell creates a protective zone around the switches and connectors. The steel casing resists noise-causing electromagnetic pollution and the transformer's sensitive inner workings are further protected from magnetic fields with a MuMETAL® can. This ensures the signal transfer is quiet and free from hum.
These combined features have made the Radial JDI the most popular passive direct box in professional touring and an excellent choice for instrument interface in the studio!
Radial JDI Passive Direct Box Features
- Jensen Transformer equipped passive DI
- Eliminates hum and buzz from ground loops
- Virtually zero phase & harmonic distortion
- Exceptional signal handling and noise rejection
- Best-sounding passive DI in the world
- Authentic Jensen Transformer equipped passive DI
- Linear frequency response from 10Hz ~ 40kHz
- Extraordinary level handling without distortion
- Built to survive the road
- Plug-&-Play Design - Easy-to-use!
- No battery or phantom-power required
- Impossible to overload!
- Up to 8 may be rack-mounted with the J-Rak
Radial JDI Passive Direct Box Specifications
- Specs:
- Audio Circuit Type: Passive, transformer based
- Number of Channels: Single channel (mono)
- Frequency Response: 20Hz ~ 20KHz (± 0.2dB)
- Dynamic Range: 135dB
- Maximum Input: +21dB @ 20Hz ~ 20kHz
- Total Harmonic Distortion: 0.05% from 20Hz ~ 20kHz @-10dB
- Phase Deviation: 0.3° @ 100Hz; 3° @ 20Hz
- Input Impedance: 140k Ohms, unbalanced
- Output Impedance: 150 Ohms, balanced
- Features:
- Transformer: Jensen JT-DBE, 12:1 ratio
- Shield: Dual Faraday, mu-metal can
- Input Pad: -15dB
- Merge: Sums left & right sources to mono
- 180-degree Polarity Reverse: Inverts absolute phase
- Ground Lift: Disconnects pin-1 at XLR output
- XLR Configuration: AES standard (pin-2 hot)
- Speaker Filter: -30dB pad and band-pass filter
- Connectors: 1/4-inch in & thru, XLR-M out
- General:
- Construction: 14 gauge steel chassis & outer shell
- Finish: Durable powder coat
- Size: (L x W x D) 5" x 3.3" x 1.8" (127mm x 84.1mm x 45.5mm)
- Weight: 1.55 lbs (703 grams)
- Shipping Size: L x W x D: 6.5" x 4" x 3" (165mm x 102mm x 76mm)
- Shipping Weight: 1.92 lbs (870.9 grams)
- Power: Passive, no power required
- Conditions: For use in dry locations only between 5°C and 40°C
Radial JDI Passive Direct Box Applications
- Ideal for acoustic guitars and basses
- Keyboards, modules and electronic drums
- Great with high-output, electronic instruments
- Eliminates hum & buzz in sound systems
Radial JDI Passive Direct Box Includes
- Radial JDI Passive Direct Box
- Manual & Literature
- Radial Sticker
- 3 Year Warranty
8 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Excellent di box
May 10th 2021Very nice for bass guitar. I have a music-man I plug into this thing and it is pro sound. Not a complaint very happy.
Excellent/RADIAL JDI review
Apr 11th 2016This product performs as expected and does not disappoint. Just beginning to explore all the possibilities.
Blue EnCore 100 mic's
Jul 16th 2015Excellent Mics. Quality Build. Outstanding service and support from Front End Audio. As always....
Perfect DI
Feb 16th 2011From acoustic guitars, bass, keyboards, and whatever else I've thrown at this DI, it has captured everything very musically without any problems what so ever.
A workhorse
Jan 26th 2011Cheap DI boxes can screw up the sound and add noise. I learned that the hard way.. Not this one! I use one in my home studio and it sounds great. It adds alittle thickness (but it never gets muddy) to the signal. I also use a bunch of them at the venue when I do live work. The venue also have a few other DI boxes but I always use the Radial JDI's because the excellent reliable build quality.
Solid as always
Dec 27th 2010JDI products in general are absolutely top-notch. This DI box is no different. From studio work with bass guitar to live acoustic guitar, etc. my JDI Passive Direct Box always sounds great. If I ever lost this or if it was ever stolen I would replace it immediately with the same. There would be no question about it.
Best passive DI on the market
Jan 14th 2010The JDI passive DI should be an essential componenent of any gigging or recording musician. Even at many well attended venues, the fact remains that they often cut corners on DIs, buying cheap. If you plan to gig acoustic guitar, it pays to keep this in your case. It is also fantastic for recording when you want to take a transparent direct take while you are miking your acoustic, which allows you to blend the tones if desirable ( and if your guitar has a quality preamplifier). I even like to run a dry direct signal from my bass into the JDI and use the thru-put Jack to connect to another preamplifier/DI, such as the Aguilar Tone Hammer or the UA Solo 610. When you capture an inspired take, this gives you options at the mix down stage to choose the mix that best sits in the mix, and can save a lot of time from the quagmire of processing the bass line until it's sits well. If you need a passive DI, this is the one you ought to buy
Radial JDI
Dec 28th 2005This is an awesome DI. I use it for guitar, keyboards, and for reamping. It helps to smooth out any harshness in keyboards, guitars, smooths it out. I use it all the time and it does what it's supposed to and does it really well.
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